


There are many forms of abuse, and we as South Africans need to get to terms that we all will come into contact with abuse sometime or another. Some people can handle it but majority of us can't because it is not natural for one to have to endure any form of abuse.

The worst form I think is emotional abuse, as this affects one in the long run and it play with your mind for years. If a father keeps telling his son he is no good, and he starts believing that his father is telling him the truth, how do you suppose that boy will succeed knowing he was told he is no good for anything. That is a deep scar that is embedded in that poor soul for life.

Physical abuse is just as bad as some people end up bruised and battered and it affect there performance in life as they feel ashamed to be in public. Look at some of these pictures and tell me if you would like to live as one of them for a day.

I thought you would agree that all of those pictures tell a story of pain and suffering. Abuse is not a good way of letting out anger. Anger and aggression stem from a source and if you can find what the source is then you can start to deal with the issues that cause your anger.

For years I was an angry person, aggressive and why was I like this, well I grew up learning that aggression fixes all problems. Well wake up Paul, did I learn it was only breaking down who I was inside. It pushed my love ones away. But now that I have dealt with and understand where the problem originated and have made a conscious effort to work at it I am a happier person.

Child abuse for me is a sign of disgusting disrespect to an innocent child life. The fact that one would go as far as abuse a child even shows that you are a coward and can not sort your issues out with an adult in a civilized manner. But the abuse will affect the child for many years. How many young girls once raped never are comfortable with sexual encounters after the rape, they get  married and still carry that pain even though they may their husbands they still feel inside like the have been tainted and they may even be shy with their husbands and hold back. This could even go as far as not sleeping together which then will force a unhappy husband to cheat on his wife and  ultimately end up breaking up a marriage. All that from an incident of rape in a young girls life.

If you would like to help me put an end to abuse please visit my cause.

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