
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Ok so why this blog?

Well I grew up in an abusive environment and I know what it did to me and how I still battle in life to deal with aggression and violence. I also don't deal with losing a loved one to well either.

So what does this mean? This is how I see it.

Last year I lost my beautiful sister to a tragic accident, and that because she was a single mother, and why was she a single mother? The father was aggressive and abusive and alcohol was a major part of life. The worst thing about losing Sheivonne was the fact that she left behind a gorgeous son Matthew. He now lives without any parent to love him and he will grow up seeing other children with their parents and always wonder where his mom and dad are. How do you cure the pain that you know is going to come.

At least he is in a good home with my sister. But it made me think a little ( with tears rolling down my cheeks ) what about so many other children that are orphaned and end up without parents.

Take a look at our streets and tell me you don't see how many street kids are around begging for money, and if you do give them money what happens, they go buy glue to numb the pain of living on the streets.

There is also an alarming amount of our population that is unemployed. And many of them will turn to crime. Hard facts but true. Murder, rape, armed robbery among others are drastic measures that are what our unemployed criminals are resorting to. These crimes traumatically affect our communities.

Then you get the other issue - abuse. It has many forms but woman and children come of worse in most cases. Domestic violence is rife in South Africa, and this due to our economy been so bad that general salaries are not in line with living expenses and this causes pain and suffering in many homes with in South Africa. This pushes some people to the edge and then the eventually fall off and resort to substance abuse or alcohol.

Drugs and alcohol affect ones attitude and behaviors. You become a different person. How do you tell a 3 year old that your dad loves your mother when he drinks all day and beats up on mom. How does that represent love to that innocent little angel? Firstly she will fear her dad, she will think mom is bad that's why dad is beating her up or who knows what exactly the poor child may think and how it will affect her.

I recently Met a wonderful woman that also lost a the father of her son in an accident, but since has been in abusive relationships, and the cycle has just kept going. She is also feeling so bad about herself that she feels unloved and no good for anything. How do you explain that? She is an amazing person very dedicated to making her partner happy so why end up been abused. Is she too soft 

So this Blog is going to address issues related to all these topics and hopefully we can come up with a solution to alleviate the suffering within our communities.

If you would like to assist in any way please e-mail me

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